All about Hytolive
What is Hytolive?
Hytolive is a dietary supplement that helps support the cardiovascular system, immunity, and overall beauty.
Hytolive is made of:
- Olive Fruit Extract (Olea Europaea)
- Hydroxytyrosol
- Selenium
Olive Fruit Extract (Olea Europaea)
Olea Europaea is from European Olive Trees. The olive fruit is known to have more polyphenols than the olive leaf. The polyphenols from the olive fruit may help circulation and support heart health. It may also help naturally moisturize and protect skin.
Hydroxytyrosol is a polyphenol compound that is extracted from the olive fruit. It is known to be high in antioxidants.
Selenium is an element that the body needs. The mineral can be found in soil, water, and in some foods. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and can support a strong immune system
Why Hytolive?
Cardiovascular Support:
HYTOLIVE can help support healthy cholesterol levels.
Inflammation Support:
HYTOLIVE contains antioxidants to help fight free radicals - this can help increase glutathione production in the body.
Supports Skin Health:
HYTOLIVE can help moisturize and protect skin.
Immunity Support:
HYTOLIVE can help increase natural levels of vitamin C production. It is also a natural source of selenium.
Visanto supplements are 100% pure and all-natural – plus the supplements never contain any additives or fillers.
** These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.